Innovative and agile
The journey into the future has already begun.

Open space workplaces

Conversion of the 1st floor has been followed by two further floors making them into open space work areas. The aim is to relocate those departments for which open space work environments can achieve higher added value and faster cooperation.

- an agile event space in the heart of the RheinLand


The pavilion built in the courtyard of the Group’s headquarters is literally the “centre of events” in RheinLand.
After the inauguration in October 2019, serving as the central point of contact for the Tea, “Digitalization and Innovation”, workshops, hackathons, design sprints & pitches as well as conferences, company meetings and sales partner congresses are held here today – for all employees to experience. Whether virtual, hybrid or in presence – depending on the occasion, up to 100 people can be accommodated here.

The idea

To impart methodological competence to as many employees as possible and thus noticeably shorten the development cycles for products, projects and processes.

The vision

We want to be the most innovative insurance group in Germany!


6 digital projects are being developed in the Future Workshop.


Every idea is evaluated and developed from a customer viewpoint.

Ein Team für die digitale Performance der RheinLand

Digital Company

Since the beginning of 2018, the Digitization and Innovation team has been focusing on the digital transformation of the RheinLand Insurance Group. This includes trend research in external networks and in the market, where new technologies and application cases are researched, as well as the development and support of innovation processes.

Promising technologies and new innovation approaches are tested and developed in so-called Proof of Concepts and workshops together with the company’s departments. Among other things, this has resulted in the newly created events Innovation Day and Innovation Award, which are designed and implemented by the team.

The idea
We build digital products and business models with direct or indirect links to the insurance industry.

The Vision
Digital business models establish and expand RH’s business activities alongside the traditional insurance business.


We use agile methods to develop customer-centric ideas into digital business models.


Due to the cross-functional know-how of our colleagues, we are able to act quickly and with a wide range of topics.


The business with brokers and free agents is carried out under the brand rhion. digital. We support our sales partners with the development of strong digital services and processes. In addition to this technical side, the focus is on the individual and competent support of the partners.

With, we have also been present on the Dutch market since 2019.

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We give added value with digital products and services

Ingeniously digital – ONdrive

Our ONdrive motor vehicle insurance stands for simple, time-saving processing on a fully digital basis. We are the first vehicle insurer in Germany to use the information pool behind the vehicle identification number (FIN) to make quoting easy.

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What mobiVERS is

Our in-house developed mobiVERS app reinforces our reputation as a specialist for mobility insurance. Cooperation partners are car dealerships. With the help of mobiVERS, insurance policies can be taken out fully digitally at the point of sale, legally secure and within the shortest possible time.

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PC- and Internet-Doc

Our private IT insurance protects against internet and social media cyber-crime and is combined with a special service for hardware and software problems. The PC- and Internet Doc is sold exclusively via our brokers, and contracts are concluded fully online.

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"Goldener Bulle" innovation prize

In February 2019 and for the third time, a RheinLand Group company received the "Goldener Bulle" for an insurance innovation.

ONdrive, the digital motor cover from RheinLand Versicherungen, mainly impressed the Jury by the way it includes driver assistance systems when  calculating premiums. It was therefore awarded second place as an innovative product idea.

Go to the press release



Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, all employees are invited to experience exciting new topics. In the 90 minutes, agreed-upon attendees get the chance to present their innovative/digital topics and to discuss them with an average of 100 participants. These contents are often supplemented by external impulses from renowned speakers, startups and service providers. Participation is possible in hybrid form. Thus all employees really have the chance to participate in the event.

The aim of the speaker is to stimulate discussions and collect many ideas/opinions.

At the same time, new impulses from our networks are to be presented, as they often offer new perspectives on existing challenges.



InsurLab Germany e. V. is the largest industry initiative of the insurance industry in Germany and connects insurance companies, start-ups and academia. Active cooperation between insurers and start-ups and the development of an ecosystem with all parties involved is the focus of the association. The RheinLand Versicherungsgruppe has been a member of the board from the very beginning and is represented on the board with Dr. Arne Barinka. Employees and managers regularly take part in InsurLab Germany events.

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